You can download the original PDF guidelines here
As a proud owner of a property in one of Emaar’s luxurious communities, we understand that it may be necessary to make changes to your property in order for it to better suit your needs.
However, it is important that any potential modifications you wish to make to your townhouse falls in line with our community guidelines and regulations. These regulations are in place in order to ensure uniformity in villa aesthetics and to maintain the high standard of living we provide in all our communities.
The following guidelines are aimed at helping you understand what modifications are and aren’t permissible when modifying your property.
Our communities are organized into various neighborhoods, each clearly defined by perimeter roads, open spaces, sikka, lakes, edges and gateway entry points.
In addition, each neighborhood also has its own particular architectural style and theme, giving each neighborhood within our communities its own unique ‘feel’. Mid unit plots are generally uniform in size
throughout our communities, however, some end unit plots may be larger than normal, particularly when they form corner units or are located at the end of a cul-de-sac. All our housing units have front and back yards and are subject to setbacks. This includes the side, front and rear setbacks.
The aim of the modification policies and rules given within this document are to ensure that:
- The overall structural integrity of the unit is maintained. • Any modifications to the units do not disrupt the benefits of the original development design.
- Visual harmony is maintained within our communities.
- Any additional modifications to existing units do not result in an increased housing density and result in additional stress upon the community infrastructure.
Rear balcony enclosure is not permitted.
Service Blocks are permitted only on corner townhouses and should be constructed within the plot limit (side alleyways) without using the shared boundary wall, they should have a door and a window that match the townhouse specifications.
Note: Service block is not permitted in the middle units.
Maid / Driver Room These rooms can be constructed within the plot limits, within the side alleyways with the required offset of 3 meters and should not be constructed using the common boundary wall as the structure should be independent.The foundations of the new rooms should not disturb or damage the existing foundations of the townhouse or boundary wall and should have a door and window that matches the townhouse specification.
Windows and bathroom exhaust window must be discreetly positioned away from the public view.
AC units for the service block are only permitted on the roof. Parapet walls must be constructed so that theAC units on the roof are not visible from the street scape. If a parapet is not possible due to height restrictions theAC units must be covered with louvers in a colour that matches the existing dwelling.
Any additional Gross Floor Area (GFA) cost to Dubai Development Authority shall be borne solely by the owner.
Theexternalelevationofthetownhousemustremainunchangedafterenclosure. The enclosure must be painted the same colour, constructed out of the same materials and to the same specifications as the main building.
Materials, doors, windows, detailing and paint colour of the new enclosure must match seamlessly with the existing building.
This extension is only permitted if there is an existing slab upon which the door can be relocated.The proposed enclosure must be constructed of the same materials, detailing and paint colour as the existing building.
Same door style, materials and paint colour as the existing building.
The carport occupies a prominent place at the front of the unit and are excluded from the total gross floor area calculations as they are not enclosed.
- Change of use is not permitted for carports and they must remain exclusively for car parking purposes only. Since the pergola is not regarded as an enclosed roof, modifications such as roll up doors are not permitted to be added.
- Only interlock paving is permitted within garage limits and it should match the existing interlock paving.
- Light weight material is permitted to be fixed above the carport pergola provided it is not visible from the street-scape. Enclosures are not permitted in this case.
- Semi-solid covering, such as shades are permitted provided they are lower than the existing parapet wall and are made of lightweight materials. Enclosures are not permitted in this case.
- No additional parking is allowed to the side or front of the carport.
Roll up doors and side enclosures are permitted where the carport as an existing concrete roof.
Roll up doors and side enclosures are permitted. Garage doors should be folding rectangular panel type with or without blocks, wooden trellis and aluminum louvers, louver colour to be white/beige.
The plot areas surrounding the townhouse are separated into the following semi-private areas, the front & back of the dwelling along with the sides.
This definition of the plot is reflected in the heights of the boundary walls and treatments, however, there are variations depending on the type of townhouse and its location.
Boundary Walls & Gate Modification Rules
- Inner perimeter wall and gate can be relocated within building line; boudary wall height should not exceed 1.5 m from natural ground level or front feeder pillar height.
- Sharing low perimeter wall at front side can be raised up to same level of existing boundary wall or DEWA feeder pillar using block work, fence.
- External finish of the new boundary wall should match with existing boundary wall finish and color, neighbor consent should be obtained to raise sharing low perimeter wall.
- Fence and gates should be as simple as possible without intricate designs and should not encroach upon the common areas and the gate should open inwards. The approved colours for fences and gates in Emaar communities are black, beige and dark brown, with dark coloured timber fences and gates also permissible.All fence and gate designs are subject to Emaar approval prior to installation.
- For additional privacy, the use of planting for screening is encouraged when required. Alternatively, home owners can use an acrylic translucent sheet for additional screening. No other screening materials will be allowed.
Additional Fence for privacy. Common ground level is higher making the fence level lower than 1.8 m from outside.
Gate design, colour and specification to be approved. The gate should not exceed the existing wall height.
Height of 1.8 m or matching the height of the existing pillar.
Planting for screening to the perimeter walls
Front Yard Modification Rules
End units are provided with a front yard that is defined by the low boundary wall and the remaining areas defined by a standard high boundary wall, with the exception of properties facing lakes and other open spaces. The aim of this policy is to provide guidance when it comes to making modifications to end units where the form a corner on two streets or when the outside area is large enough to modify and extend.
A new garden door in wood or aluminum can be installed to internal perimeter walls with the maximum height of 1.8 m or matching the height of the internal boundary wall.
End Unit Front Yard Modification Rules:
Relocation of inner perimeter wall is permitted for end and corner unit with in building line, No modification will be permitted beside garage and front aesthetic should be mainated same as existing.
Lower Boundary Wall Garden Door
Existing Block wall
1.8 m or to match the height of existing boundary wall. Fence should not exceed the existing wall height and must maintain the same architectural design and colour of the existing unit. 3m from the building line, fence and gate.
11 kv substations are distributed throughout our communities.These are substantial structures, square in shape and occupy a site area of approximately 6m x 6m and are 3m in height with louver ventilation.
Some of these substations share common boundary walls with the housing areas and as such, visual screening of the substations is permissible.
Substation Screen Rules:
- Visual screening of the substations is permissible inside the owner’s property via the usage of plants and supporting trellises. The height of the trellises should not exceed the height of the substation.
- The screening must be located inside the owner’s plot area. Under no circumstances are the ventilation louvers to be tampered with or blocked by overhanging vegetation.
External painting of dwellings will be required in accordance with the building maintenance requirements. The housing areas have all been designed with thematic colour coordination and as such, making sure that all units follow the colour themes is essential to maintaining the image of the community.
External Decoration Rules:
- Colours to be used must match the Emaar approved colour palette.
- Villas with an external textured wall should be maintained and kept in their original state. The addition of additional textures or changing the colour of the external walls is not permitted.
Cat ladders are not permitted for Townhouse villas.
Existing doors can be replaced with new doors provided they are of the same specifications and colour of the original. In some locations, where two doors and windows are separated by a small wall, they can be replaced with a sliding door or window provided the wall to be removed is not a structural element.
Replacing windows with doors: Replacement of a window with a door or vice versa is only permitted if the original window or door was installed within a non-structural wall. Side windows/doors can be created and converted to wider windows and doors provided that the door is no more than 6 meters from the boundary wall.
Any clear glass, coloured window frames or doors must match the existing townhouse colour scheme. Non-approved colours are not allowed to be used.
Widening of existing windows/doors is permissible only on the lower level and a minimum of 0.3 m internal block work should be maintained at either end of the window.
New doors and windows can only be created on the side walls of the townhouse provided they have sufficient setbacks and in non-structural walls. These new doors and windows must match the existing townhouse in material, colour an design. The maximum door opening should be 0.9 meters and a window should match the existing.
No modifications are allowed to 1st floor and ground floor front windows but ground floor side and rear window modifications are permitted.
Non-Structural Wall
Existing Window
Minimum 6 Meters Setback
In some cases you may require additional external lighting for security or other purposes. Please note that poorly designed and placed lighting may prove disturbing for neighboring residents.
External Lighting rules:
- Security lights fitted with infrared detectors or timers should be adjusted so as to minimize the nuisance to neighbors.The sensitivity should be set so that they are not triggered by random passersby or local traffic.
- Additional external lighting must be arranged in such a way that they are not pointing at the windows of adjoining houses and causing a nuisance.
- Lights are not allowed to be mounted on any of the boundary walls.
- Low voltage (DC) lighting is preferred.
- Wherever possible, solar powered garden lights should be utilized over hard wired lights.
- Lighting is to be contained within the plot boundaries and should not shine onto or spill over onto adjacent plots or the common areas.
- Lighting cables / conduits should run through the floor or can be fixed on the inner surface of the boundary walls with the help of saddles up to 3 meters height above the ground.
- Trenching is not permitted in the boundary walls.
Solar Panel rules:
- Solar panels can be installed in the roof only.
- Solar panels should be lower than the parapet wall and not visible from common areas, streetscape or from neighbouring units.
- Solar panels should be non-reflective.
- Electrical wirings and conduits should be hidden fromthe streetscape, common areas or from neighbouring units.
Alterations to the following internal finishes are permitted provided such alternations do not compromise the structural integrity of the unit or its waterproofing:
- Floor tiles
- Sanitary wares
- Internal painting / ceiling works
- Kitchen / Bathroom cabinets or wardrobes
- Conversion of bathtub to shower or vice versa.
- Nonstructural internal wall removals
- Minor electrical / plumbing works
General: Landscaping work is not permitted to be carried out by residents on the footpath, road verge or any other common-use facility areas. This includes plants, grass (natural & artificial), paving, tiling, lighting & other electrical work or any other miscellaneous work. Trees are to be planted 1.5 m away from boundary walls and in a way that will not encroach upon neighbour’s property.
Landscape design is to be coordinated with respect to the underground service corridors, utilities and manhole covers. No works are to limit or impede access to infrastructure. All plumbing & electrical fittings associated with the landscape elements are to be installed by a suitably qualified and licensed tradesman and are to be placed in such a way as to be easily accessible for inspection and maintenance. Existing hardscape areas located in private areas may be modified provided that the homeowner submits all necessary drawings showing the proposed layout, patterns and material selections.
Planting Design:
Due consideration should be given to the planting of trees on the western side of your villa to help it cool down during the afternoon hours subject to building orientation and permits. Potted and perimeter plants are encouraged to help soften the effect of any hard landscape areas.Any decorative plants with spikey leaves or poisonous parts should be planted away from pedestrian walkways or children’s play areas.
Barring recreational areas, the installation of lawns is discouraged due to their need for regular maintenance as well as the high water consumption. Irrigated areas, such as lawns and gardens, should be designed with a length and width of not less than 3 meters so as to prevent overspray and spillage onto the hard landscape areas and, in the case of lawns, for ease of mowing.
The use of seasonal ground covers is not recommended as they require constant replacement every three months along with continuous fertilization and irrigation.The layout of the trees and shrubs should be properly designed and take into account that enough space is set aside in order to ensure adequate space for root and canopy growth.
Palms should not be placed directly into a lawn area in order to prevent trunk rot from excessive watering from sprinkler systems (this is not applicable in cases of sub surface irrigation).The aim should be to protect the trunk by planting ground cover or shrubbery at a 1 meter radius around the palm.Trees with a vigorous root system, such as the Ficus or Conocarpus species should not be planted next to building foundations, boundary walls and water features in order to prevent any root damage to the structures. Species selection and planting should be done with care taken to ensure that your plants canopy or root spread does not encroach onto a neighbour’s property.
Prohibited Plants:
Conocarpus lancifolious or Damas, as it’s commonly known, is a fast growing, inexpensive and evergreen plant. However, the trees fast growing and extensive root network can cause extensive damage to structures such as underground service corridors, homes and the surrounding landscaped areas and as such, it is advised to remove this species of tree from your garden.
How do I tell if it’s a Damas tree?
To help protect your privacy, consider planting one of the below hedges (up to a heigh of 2.5 meters):
Planting Details:
- Clerondendrum inerme
- Thevetia peruviana
- Jatropha pandurifolia
Recommended Plants: For green, leafy trees that can provide you and your family with shade on a hot summer day, consider planting one of the below trees:
- Azadirachta indica (Neem)
- Pongamia glabra
- Tabubeia rosea
- Millingtonia hortensis
- Delonix regia
- Millingtonia hortensis
To ensure optimal growth of roots and proper plant establishment into the soil, we have put together a list of recommended pit depths for various types of plants & trees:
- Palm:1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m
- Tree:1.2m x 1.2m x 1.2m
- Shrub/Succulent:0.5m x 0.5m x 0.5m
- Groundcover/ Climbers/Grasses: 0.3m x 0.3m x 0.3m
- Lawn: 0.3m depth
- Ground cover/Climbers/Grasses:0.3m x 0.3m x 0.3m
- Lawn:0.3m depth
We recommend that 2 stakes per tree be installed initially in order to ensure proper root anchoring and growth.
With regards to bounding grassy areas, we recommend planting beds by installing a mowing edge (polyethylene edge or stone pavers) in order to prevent the lawn from invading/spreading to unwanted areas and increasing your garden's maintenance requirements.
Planting Soil Mix: Agriculture soil is to be from a Dubai Municipality approved source and should be fertile and suitable for planting. It is recommended to apply soil amendments (organic manure, fertilizers) in order to improve the quality of the soil.Application of the proper supplements can provide additional nutrients to your plants and help increase the water holding capacity of the soil.
The recommended application rates of organic manure are given below for your reference:
- Tree:12.5 kg per tree
- Palm:25 kg per palm
- Shrub/Groundcover:6.25 kg per plant
- Lawn:0.2 kg per sq.m
Boring wells to discharge underground water for irrigation is prohibited. An automated irrigation system is recommended over hand watering due to superior water regulation and higher water savings. All irrigation equipment (timers, solenoid valve boxes, BCDs) are to be placed within the plot area and not in the common-use areas. We recommend installing a leak detection system on your irrigation system to automatically switch off in case a leak is detected to prevent the wastage of water. A typical drip and sprinkler automatic irrigation system is recommended as a method to irrigate planted areas.
Please refer to appendix 4 for:
- The long term water and cost savings associated with subsurface and/or drip irrigation.
- The recommended specifications of these irrigation methods.
Irrigation WaterSources:
Potable Water:
If using potable water for irrigation purposes and the connection is made to the same storage tank that is used for domestic purposes, it is mandatory to provide a backflow prevention device to avoid contaminating potable water.We also recommend installing a level switch to ensure that a minimum amount of water is available for domestic use.
Grey Water:
Use of ‘grey water’ generated from within the private plot is encouraged as a sustainable alternative source for irrigation, if properly treated. Please not that your household should generate an adequate amount of grey water in order for this option to be viable. For example, properly treated, each person in a household generates approximately 150 litres a day of grey water which is enough to irrigate 15 square metres of planted area. Grey water treatment requires the installation of an underground storage tank with a filtration system which may involve a higher initial cost but can result in significant long term savings.
Water tanks for the storage of grey water must be placed underground and must incorporate both a filtration system and an overflow connect to the sewer network.The tank size is not to exceed the anticipated volume of water than can be used within a 24 hour period.An ionizing device is also to be installed in order to reduce the possibility of contamination.
Grading & Drainage:
All hard surfaces are to fall away from the building and away from at-grade water bodies such as swimming pools and water features. It is recommended that all hard areas fall towards slanted / lawn areas. Pervious pavement, such as paving on compacted sub-base, as opposed to paving on concrete slabs is preferred as it encourages on site infiltration and reduces water runoff.
It is recommended that slopes for various landscape areas be as follows:
- The slope of drains in paved areas is to be between 1% and 2%.
- Planting areas such as shrubs and groundcovers can have up to a maximum of 5%.
- Planting areas for lawns can have up to a maximum of 8%.
Irrigation and landscape features such as planters, water features etc., are to incorporate appropriate waterproofing so as to prevent the undermining of the adjoining structures through water saturation. The maximum allowable height for walls, such as planter walls or that of water features is 0.6 m.
Please note that all hard landscaping modifications are subject to Dubai Municipality approval.
The pool location must accommodate all services and utility corridors.The pools surroundings must incorporate non slippery, durable paving materials suitable for exterior use. The edge of the swimming pool basin or water feature should be at least 1.5 m away from the boundary wall unless supporting engineering details are provided. Jacuzzis and children’s pools with a maximum depth of 0.8 m can be offset by 0.6 m from the boundary wall subject to Dubai Municipality approval.
Swimming Pools:
Off-site pre-fabricated swimming pools are recommended due to the relative ease and speed of installation as well as the quality control associated with off-site manufacturing. Pool safety must be considered and incorporated into any prospective pool design, with suitable child-resistant access prevention systems to allow secure and restricted access from the adjacent public areas.
It is recommended that pools be covered with a safety pool cover when not in use to help prevent excess water vaporization and reduce operating costs. These covers are typically secured to a deck with straps that pull the cover taut over the pool proper. When subsequent landscape design requires the decommissioning and back filling of an existing swimming pool, then a minimum of 0.45 m of the top of the pool shell is to be removed and a drainage hole to be allowed at the base. Swimming pool depths are to be designed in line with Dubai Municipality regulations.
Water Features:
Water feature basins should have a water level of 0.3 m as per international standards and incorporate suitable child safety measures. Water features should be installed keeping in mind Neighbors as well as the noise level created by its operation.An in-situ filtering system may be required depending on the size (generally 2 square meters and above). Rear garden features should not exceed the height of the boundary wall and front water features should not exceed 1.2 m in height.
Min 1.5 Meters to Adjacent Property
Proposed Pool Location should be at least 1.5 meters away from the boundary wall and villa and must have enough room to accommodate all services/utility and paths.
Shaded canopies can take many forms (tree canopies, pergolas, trellis, tensile shade structures etc.).The proper shaded coverage can help provide relief on hot, sunny days and from gusts of wind.When selecting materials for canopies, careful consideration must be given to the climate of the site, and materials chosen that can resist the various requirements such as heat resistance, UV protection and anti-corrosive properties as required for its purpose.
Pergolas are used throughout our developments and are a part of the architectural design and style of our communities. The use of pergolas is also evident in the main entrances, the backs of buildings forming patios and on the upper floors protecting verandas and balconies.
0.6 Meters to Adjacent Property
Proposed Pergola location should be at least 0.6m away from the boundary wall and 2.5 meters Maximum Height
Pergola Rules:
- In areas where pergolas are permitted, the pergolas must be located atleast 0.6 m away from the limits. Pergolas can be constructed with the maximum area of 20 sq. m for the standard plots. For townhouses with larger plots some considerations can be considered upon request from Emaar.
- Under no circumstances must independent pergolas exceed 2.5 m from FFL.
- The type, material, colour and details of additional pergolas to be added must match the design of existing pergolas located on the property or on adjacent lots.
- For attached pergolas, the height should not exceed 2.7 m or match the same height of the existing ground floor lintel beam level.
- Pergolas should be an open structure without any enclosures. The roof must be made of timber.
- The pillars of the pergola can be made out of timber or concrete. In case of concrete, the paint colour should match the colour of the villa.
- Pergolas added in the main entrance door should not exceed the boundary line and must be constructed out of dark brown timber wood.
- Pergolas added in the front yard are allowed depending on the available space between the building line and the boundary line. Pergola must maintain an offset of 0.6 m from the boundary wall.
The rafter should be located at a minimum of 0.6 meters away from the edge of the boundary wall. Roof should be made of timber and match the existing villa’s architectural style. Pillars to be constructed out of wood, concrete or matching the architectural style.
Gazebos are present throughout our developments and are an integral part of the architectural design and style. Gazebos are only permitted to be located in the backyard of our various townhouses.
Proposed Gazebos are only permitted to be installed in the backyard and must be located a minimum of 0.6 m away from the plot limits and the building line.
Gazebo Rules:
- Gazebos are not permitted in the front of townhouse.
- In an area where a gazebo is permitted to be installed, the gazebo must be located a minimum of 0.6 m away from the plot limits. Gazebo can be constructed with the maximum area of 20 sq. m for the standard plots. For townhouses with larger plots some considerations can be considered upon request from Emaar.
- Gazebos are not permitted to exceed 3 m from FFL of the townhouse under any circumstance.
- The type, material, colour and details of additional gazebos must be a dark coloured timber wood finish.
- The gazebo should be an open structure without any enclosures. Roof finish should match the roof of the existing villa.
- The gazebo pillars can be constructed out of wood or concrete. In the case of concrete, the paint of the gazebo pillars should match that of the villa.
- Gazebos can have a hatched roof provided the roofing materials is of a fire-retardant grade as approved by the Dubai Municipality.
- Heights of Gazebos should not exceed 3 m from FFL for townhouse.
- Pillars of gazebo can be timber or concrete. In case of concrete, the paint colour on the pillar should match the existing townhouse colour.
- Timber/Thatched roofs or in a style that matches theArchitectural features of the existing building.
Canopies & Awnings:
Detached shade structures must comply with the following requirements:
1.The shade structure (fabric shade and post) should be located a minimum of 0.6 m away from the side/rear boundaries. 2.Shade overall structure must be independent and no support on the existing structure will be permitted. 3.Shade structures are not permitted to be attached to boundary walls. 4.The overall height of the shade structure is not to exceed 3 m. 5.Shade structures are to be open. 6.Shade structures are not permitted in front of the property.
0.6 Meters from Adjacent Property
Proposed shade are only permitted to be installed in the backyard and must be located a minimum of 0.6 m away from the plot limits and the building line.
Paving & Decking are permitted within the plot limits but should not exceed a height of 30 cm.
- These structures may be constructed on the plot but can only be located in the backyard.
- The height of these structures must be below that of the boundary wall.
- Wall features are to be built on a separate wall without using the existing boundary walls.
- BBQs should be placed in a location that does not disturb the neighboring buildings.
- Chimneys for BBQ counters should be below boundary wall height.
- Chimney exhaust should not be pointed to neighboring plots or the common areas.
- Planter boxes should match the existing villa colours and is permitted on the inner side of the boundary walls and the lower part of the main building.The maximum height is 0.6 m from the ground level and they should not be visible from outside and disrupt ground services.
- Open showers should be located on an independent wall without its water line passing through any boundary walls. Open showers must also be below boundary wall height.
- Townhouses with low shared perimeter wall, additional fence can be added above.The maximum height should not exceed the existing boundary wall. Wooden and aluminium fencing is only permitted. Neighbors' NOC must be required before installation.
Wall cladding is not allowed to be fixed to the existing boundary wall. Independent walls should be built for all wall features.
Existing Shared Boundary wall & Additional Shared Fencing
A sharing low perimeter wall at front side can be raised up to the same level of the existing boundary wall or DEWA feeder pillar using block work, a fence. Neighbour consent should be obtained to raise the sharing low perimeter wall.
Water tanks/pump rooms can be enclosed with louvres however the design must match those of the existing villa.
Water tanks & pump rooms are allowed in either the garage area or the backyard. In the garage area water tanks and pump rooms must be located underground and in bthe ackyard they can be located either above or below ground subject to approval.
Checklist for Alterations
Checklist #1 NOC for villas/townhouses
- Detailed architectural drawings of existing and proposed modifications
- Elevation of existing and proposed modifications
- Detailed scope of works
- External photos - for external modifications like: external painting, garage door, garden gate, fence and gate
- Copy of contractor’s/consultant’s license
- 3-D coloured concept drawing
- Dubai MunicipalityAffection Plan (independent villas)
- Building Completion Certificate applicable for all requests except soft landscaping)
Checklist #1 NOC for apartments
- Existing and new floor plan indicating the area of modifications
- Existing pictures of the area to be changed
- Detailed scope of work
- Copy of contractor(s)Trade License
- NOC from neighbour to allow relevant works to be carried out
Checklist #2 Entry Permit
- Original letter from company in approved format with sign and stamp
- Copy of valid Licence of the company
- Copy of valid passport and visa or Work Permit of all employees requiring entry
- Copy of Registration Card of vehicle requiring entry
- Copy of ServiceAgreement or appointment letter from villa owner/ resident
- NOC from EmaarAlterations Department (where applicable)
- Entry permit fee payment by credit card/ cheque payable to Emaar Properties PJSC
Checklist #3 Security Deposit refund
- Original receipt of the Security Deposit (applicable if purchaser is collecting the refund)
- Notarised Power ofAttorney (applicable for representatives)
- Original Emirates ID
The glossary of terms is intended to provide general guidance and certain terms and words are interpreted as follows.
Access is the way by which pedestrians and vehicles have a usable entry and exit to a property.
Accessory Use
Accessory use is a use that is related to the main buildings primary use.
Adjoining Plots
Two or more plots sharing a common boundary wall.
An applicant is the person who is the owner of the property applying for permission to modify his property.
Boundary Wall
A wall located along a property line.
Attached Housing Units
Referred to as row housing, these are buildings attached on two sides.
Detached Housing Units
A building setback from the plot boundary and surrounded by open space.
Building Height
The building height is the vertical distance from the existing finished floor level.
Buildings Semi-detached
Buildings that are attached on one side only are referred to as semi-detached units.
Dwelling Unit
A dwelling unit is a housing unit for a single family, no portion of which is rented or leased as a single unit.
Gross Floor Area
Gross Floor Area Is the sum of all floors up to and including the external walls of the dwelling. The GFA excludes open carports, patios, verandas, terraces and A/C machine enclosures on the roof.
The elevation is the facade of the building, or the drawing of the façade.
An extension is an addition or increase in floor area.
Frontage is the side of the plot that faces a street right of way.
Modification Design Guide
A document providing guidance on how modification to the housing can be carried out in accordance with the design policies of Emaar with a view to retaining the distinctiveness of the development.
Plot Boundary
A plot boundary is the boundary of a parcel of land that has been subdivided.
Plot Coverage
The proportion of a plots area occupied by building and is expressed in percentages.
Is the building setback from the front, sides and back of the plot boundary.These are minimum distances measured horizontally.
Sikka is a right of way reserved for pedestrians only.